Shah Rukh Khan has decided to invest in a seemingly huge entertainment and business opportunity in America. Co-owner of the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) franchise in the IPL, Shah Rukh is said to have finalised a major long-term investment in US cricket in partnership with American Cricket Enterprises (ACE). The partnership will include financial investments and significant expertise to help ACE develop and launch Major League Cricket (MLC) in the US. Although spearheaded by SRK, his partners in KKR — Juhi Chawla and her husband, Jay Mehta — are also investors in MLC.
It is believed that KKR will likely own and run the Los Angeles franchise. MLC will deliver US’ first professional T20 league featuring top international players from the host country as well as from around the world. The inaugural season of the MLC will start in 2022.
KKR also owns Trinbago Knight Riders (TKR) in the Caribbean Premier League (CPL), a franchise it bought in 2015.