Actress Shweta Tiwari’s second husband, Abhinav Kohli, has been arrested by the Samata Nagar police station at Kandivli in Bombay on a complaint filed by her. The actress told the police that her husband, the 38-year-old, abused her daughter from her first marriage, and even outraged her modesty on several occasions by passing lewd comments against her and by showing the young girl obscene pictures of models on his cell phone. She added in her complaint filed with the police, on, among other things, domestic violence, that all this had been going on since October 2017.

Based on Shweta’s complaint, a case (CR No. 342/19) against Abhinav was registered under sections 354A, 323, 504, 506 and 509 of the IPC read with section 67A of the Information Technology Act. Kohli was arrested soon thereafter. Investigations are in progress.