The Enforcement Directorate once again interrogated Jacqueline Fernandez on June 27 at its Delhi office in connection with her alleged links to conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. He is said to have spent over Rs. 20 crore on luxury properties, bribing prison staff and offering Bollywood actresses and models expensive gifts. The ED has already attached Rs. 7.12 crore in fixed deposits of the actress and Rs. 15 lakh cash belonging to her, as ‘proceeds of crime’ received from the conman. It is investigating the extortion syndicate of Sukesh who is allegedly trying to create circumstances for his shift from Delhi’s Tihar jail to some other state prison by appealing to the Supreme Court. So far, the ED has arrested eight persons in the money laundering case against Chandrasekhar, including his wife, Leena Maria Paul, and associate Pinki Irani.

While Sukesh Chandrasekhar was lodged in a Delhi prison, he allegedly extorted Rs. 200 crore from a businessman’s wife on the pretext of helping her husband get out of jail.

Jacqueline has been questioned thrice earlier by the ED in the same case. The agency has details of the actress having received huge amounts of cash and gifts from the conman. Two chargesheets have been filed in the case so far. The ED had alleged that Chandrasekhar had given Jacqueline Fernandez gifts worth Rs. 5.71 crore from the proceeds of crime including extortion. It arrested Pinki Irani who had allegedly delivered all the gifts to Jacqueline on behalf of Sukesh. The conman is also alleged to have remitted large amounts of foreign currency to Jacqueline’s sister and brother abroad. Jacqueline had once claimed to have purchased an island off Sri Lanka.