Scamsters blocked the Instagram account of a television actress and demanded Rs. 50,000 ransom for not posting her profile photos and videos on pornographic sites. Actress Vidya Prasad had clicked on a link which she got from another actor’s (Vinod Suryavanshi) social media ID, to which the scamsters had gained unauthorised access. The actress filed a case with the Versova (Bombay) police on February 24.

She clicked on the link without knowing that the seamster had hacked and blocked Vinod Suryavanshi’s account and was misusing it to dupe and threaten people. On February 20, the scamsters gained access to the actress’ Instagram account after she clicked the link. The caller then threatened to upload her profile photos and videos on porn sites if the ransom money was not paid. Vidya got in touch with Vinod and learned that he had filed a written complaint with the police about his Instagram account being blocked and misused by the scamsters.

It is believed that the scamsters have threatened two more actresses similarly, one of who has filed a police complaint.