Veteran Punjabi film actress Daljeet Kaur passed away today (17th November) in Gurusar Sudhar town of Ludhiana after a prolonged illness. She was 69 years old. She had acted in such films as Putt Jattan De, Mamla Ghalal Hai, Ki Banu Duniya Da, Sarpanch and Patola. She played Gippy Grewal’s mother in Singh Vs Kaur.
Daljeet had stopped acting in films for some time after her husband, Harminder Singh Deol, died in a road accident. She returned to the world of acting in 2001 but she then concentrated on roles of mother etc., which suited her age. The popular actress did not have any children, so she shifted to her brother, Harjinder Singh Khanguda’s house in Gurusar Sudhar (Halwara) town of Ludhiana after she was widowed.Â