Yash Raj Film Distributors, the all-India distributor of Yash Raj Films’ Prithviraj, has stepped down from its high horse, it appears. Exhibitors, who were being pressurised to commit a certain number of shows in the second week too, before the film could be committed to their cinemas, have now been given a relatively free hand to allot the optimum number of shows to the film in its second week, depending upon its performance in the first week beginning June 3. It is not uncommon for producers/distributors to insist on a minimum number of shows in multiplexes and single-screen cinemas, not just in the first week but also in the second week to ensure that their film does not lose on account of lesser number of shows after the initial week. This is mostly done when there is a very steady flow of new releases in the forthcoming weeks.
One doesn’t know whether it is the multiple releases on June 3 or the debacle of YRF’s very recent Jayeshbhai Jordaar (released just two weeks back) or the uncertainty of the box-office which has made Yash Raj Films and Yash Raj Films Distributors soften their stand vis-à-vis the showcasing in the second week but the fact is that exhibitors are breathing easy now.
It may be mentioned here that alongside the very costly Prithviraj, two more big films are slated for release on June 3. They are Major and Vikram (dubbed).