PM Narendra Modi could not do much in its first week and although it got a boost due to Modi’s election victory a day before its release, the overall collections were not exciting enough. It started slow with a take of Rs. 2.35 crore. Collections increased to Rs. 3.25 crore on Saturday, and further to Rs. 4.65 crore on Sunday. After a weekend of Rs. 10.25 crore, the collections for the weekdays were as follows: Monday – Rs. 2 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 1.75 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 1.50 crore, Thursday – Rs. 1.15 crore. By adding Rs. 6.40 crore during the weekdays, it took its total to Rs. 16.65 crore.
India’s Most Wanted, as expected, faced rejection from the public in the first week. It netted a meagre Rs. 1.75 crore on the opening day. Collections on Saturday and Sunday were hardly impressive – Rs. 2.50 crore and Rs. 3 crore respectively. With the weekend closing at Rs. 7.25 crore, it was clear that the film had no future, and collections during the weekdays only proved that: Monday – Rs. 0.95 crore, Tuesday – Rs. – 0.85 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.70 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.35 crore. By adding Rs. 2.85 crore in the weekdays, the film took its first week’s total to an unexciting Rs. 10.10 crore.
Yeh Hai India proved a debacle in 1st week.
On The Ramp Never Ending Show failed to show strength at the box-office in the first week.
Kadke Kamaal Ke did anything but kamaal at the ticket windows. It fared miserably in 1st week.
Aladdin(dubbed) did quite well in the first week. It netted Rs. 4.15 crore on the first day. Collections picked up on Saturday (Rs. 6.35 crore) and Sunday (Rs. 7.50 crore) so that the first weekend closed at Rs. 18 crore. The collections maintained well during the weekdays: Monday – Rs. 3.50 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 3.15 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 3 crore, Thursday – Rs. 2.50 crore. Adding Rs. 12.15 crore in the weekdays, it took its first week’s total to Rs. 30.15 crore.
De De Pyaar De fared better in its second week than the two Bollywood releases of last week did in their first week. It started its second weekend with a net collection of Rs. 3 crore. Collections on Saturday (Rs. 4.50 crore) and Sunday (Rs. 5.35 crore) were impressive. The total for the second weekend was Rs. 12.85 crore. Collections for the weekdays were as follows: Monday – Rs. 2.50 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 2.20 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 2 crore, Thursday – Rs. 1.70 crore. In other words, it added Rs. 8.40 crore to its kitty in the weekdays. Its total for the second week was Rs. 21.25 crore. The grand total for 2 weeks went up to Rs. 76.90 crore.
Student Of The Year 2 netted only Rs. 1.50 crore in its third week. Its total for 3 weeks is Rs. 64.90 crore.
Avengers: Endgame (dubbed) and the English original of the same name added Rs. 3.20 crore to its kitty in its fifth week. Its grand total for 5 weeks was Rs. 370.30 crore.
The Tashkent Files completed 50 days of its run yesterday (May 31) when it entered 8th week – a rare feat for a small film.
Judgement (Marathi) failed to make any mark in the first week in Bombay, Thane district and other centres of Maharashtra.
Tandav (Marathi) was rejected by the public in 1st week in Bombay, Thane district and the rest of Maharashtra.
Halgi Shaan Maharashtrachi (Marathi) proved a damp squib in the first week in Bombay, Thane district and other stations of Maharashtra.