Failed actor and self-styled film journalist and critic Kamaal R. Khan seems to have found his match in Salman Khan. The superstar-producer has filed a defamation case against Kamaal. Although the defamation suit was filed because of Kamaal’s allegedly defamatory statements about the star, Kamaal, in a possible bid to gain sympathy, twisted the facts and made it appear that Salman had dragged him to court because of his negative review of Salman’s Radhe. Simultaneously, Kamaal R. Khan apologised to Salman’s father, Salim Khan, on Twitter for his review. He even went to the extent of stating in his tweet that it was never his intention to harm the stardom of Salman, and that he would not have reviewed the film if Salman had requested him not to review it. Harm the stardom of Salman Khan?! Ha!!! …if Salman had requested him not to review it?!?! How vain can one get?
That means, on the one hand, Kamaal was misinforming the world that the defamation case had been filed for his negative review of Radhe, and on the other, he was busy apologising for the same review.
The truth, of course, is that Salman Khan has not filed the defamation case against Kamaal R. Khan for his review of Radhe. The defamation case is for the allegedly defamatory personal remarks made by Kamaal from time to time about the superstar.
What’s more, KRK was forced to eat humble pie not just on social media (when he apologised to Salim Khan) but in the Bombay city civil court today (27th May) when he gave an undertaking to the court that he would not post anything about Salman Khan on social media till the next date of hearing.
Reproduced below is the statement of Salman Khan’s lawyers, which makes the entire issue crystal clear.
Statement from DSK Legal, advocates for Mr. Salman Khan and Salman Khan Ventures:
“Mr. Kamaal R. Khan, the defendant, has put out a series of tweets and videos, alleging that Mr. Salman Khan has sued him for defamation because the defendant reviewed the film, Radhe. This is incorrect. The suit has been filed as the defendant has been publishing and endorsing defamatory allegations, including that Mr. Salman Khan is corrupt, that he and his brand, ‘Being Human’, are involved in fraud, manipulation and money-laundering transactions, that he and Salman Khan Films are dacoits. The defendant has been spreading malicious falsehoods and defaming Mr. Salman Khan consistently over several months, clearly with a view to draw attention to himself. Mr. Kamaal R. Khan’s lawyer made a statement in court today that Mr. Kamaal R. Khan “will not put any remarks of defamatory nature against plaintiff on social media till next date”. The Hon’ble Court has been pleased to pass an order taking into account this statement made by Mr. Kamaal R. Khan’s lawyer.
– DSK Legal, advocates for Mr. Salman Khan and Salman Khan Ventures.