Even as the Supreme Court’s verdict on whether or not the Central Bureau of Investigation will investigate the suicide case of Sushant Singh Rajput is awaited, Bombay police commissioner Param Bir Singh has defended the handling of the case by the Bombay police. He told the media on 3rd August that the police was doing a good job by looking into all angles — financial, professional, personal etc. His electronic gadgets, added Param Bir Singh, had been checked and it had emerged that the actor had Google-searched terms like painless death, bipolar disorder and his own name.
The police commissioner rubbished the claims of Sushant’s father that he had filed a complaint about the safety and security of his son with the Bandra police station in Bombay in February. He also said that it wa sstrange that none of the family members raised the issue of suspicion of foul play in the suicide for a month after his death. K.K. Singh, father of Sushant, filed an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty in a police station in Patna, following which the Bihar police reached Bombay to investigate the matter. The Bombay police did not approve of this as it became a question of jurisdiction. Meanwhile, Bihar IPS officer Vinay Tiwari, who was in the team which came to Bombay to investigate, was asked by the BMC to be in quarantine. Param Bir Singh rubbished rumours that the Bombay police was not being co-operative with the Bihar police. He also negated the stories that there had been misappropriation of Sushant’s funds by Rhea. He also claimed that there was no evidence of a party being held at Sushant’s residence a day before he died, as was being speculated on social and electronic media.