The Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) has requested Nawazuddin Siddiqui to opt out of Kushan Nandy’s Jogira Sara Ra Ra. It has drawn the actor’s notice to the fact that it (FWICE) had issued a non-cooperation circular against Nandy and the film’s creative producer, Kiran Shyam Shroff. The circular has been issued because the two had stopped payment of their cheque for Rs. 7,75,000 dated 25th November, 2017, issued in favour of the FWICE, towards payment of dues of technicians who had worked in their last film, Babumoshai Bandookbaaz.
The FWICE on 11th August, 2020 once again reminded Kushan Nandy and Kiran Shroff to make the payments alongwith interest and service charges of the FWICE. The total amount has now been fixed at Rs. 12.36 lakh. Since Nandy and Shroff have not cared to clear the dues, the Association has asked Nawazuddin to refrain from acting in the film. It has sent a similar request to Naeem A. Siddiqui, who is producing Jogira Sara Ra Ra, to dissociate himself from the film.