The Oshiwara (Bombay) police on 18th July arrested casting director Deepak Jain for attempting to murder a 25-year-old small-time actress and for sending objectionable pictures to her mother and relatives. The 45-year-old Deepak committed the offence on the night of 17th July at the victim’s Andheri home when he entered it through the balcony.
It is believed that Jain befriended the girl last year and he got so possessive that he warned her from interacting with anyone in the industry.
On 17th, Deepak Jain entered the victim’s flat with a can of petrol. He poured petrol on the victim in front of two room mates but was caught before he could do anything more.
Deepak was booked for attempt to murder, house trespass, molestation and under the Information Technology Act.