A 25-year-old stalker barged into a hotel room of Bhojpuri film actress Ritu Singh at Robertsganj in Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh on 25th May, threatened her at gunpoint and asked her to marry him. One person suffered a bullet wound and a senior police officer narrowly escaped being shot at before the accused, Pankaj Yadav, was overpowered and arrested by the police after an hour and-a-half-long drama.
The unit of Bhojpuri film Dulari Bitiya was shooting in locations nearby and putting up at the hotel. At around 11 a.m. on 25th, Yadav sneaked into Ritu’s room and threatened her while pointing a gun at her. Ritu screamed because of which a local man, Ashok, rushed to her rescue. Yadav shot at Ashok and on hearing the gun shot, the hotel staff ran towards Ritu’s room. The police was called in and Ashok was rushed to hospital.