A dispute over alleged honking on Calcutta’s Vidyasagar Setu on the night of January 3 led to a heated exchange between singer and Bengal IT minister Babul Supriyo (on left in picture) and BJP MP Abhijit Gangopadhyay, leading to a 20-minute traffic snarl. The altercation happened when Babul, who was driving his car, noticed a vehicle with a hooter approaching rapidly from behind and honking incessantly. The singer-minister later claimed that he was unaware that Gangopadhyay, a former Calcutta HC judge and currently the MP for Tamluk constituency, was in the car when he decided to confront the driver.
According to Supriyo, Gangopadhyay, who was seated in the rear seat, used inappropriate language during the confrontation. On his part, MP Gangopadhyay alleged that the minister-singer blocked his car, abused his driver, and acted aggressively.