The Enforcement Directorate has seized 16 high-end cars, a beach-front bungalow in Madras, Rs. 82.5 lakh cash and 2 kg. gold in the money laundering case involving conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. He was recently arrested from jail along with seven others, for alleged involvement in a Rs. 200-crore extortion case. The seizures were made after ED officials questioned Chandrasekhar’s actor-girlfriend, Leena Maria Paul, known for her role in Madras Cafe.

The police suspected that Leena knew about a part of the extorted and laundered money. Chandrasekhar was using number spoofing through an app, Crazy Call, to impersonate senior government officials. Victims would see the numbers on their phone screens, as desired by Chandrasekhar. In her complaint, the victim said, she got a call in June last year. The caller said, he was a law ministry secretary and demanded Rs. 200 crore to help get bail for her husband. She later realised that she had been duped.