Art director Nitin Kulkarni has filed a complaint against six people connected with a charitable trust, Mumbai Fest, including comedian Kiku Sharda, for allegedly cheating him of Rs. 50.70 lakh. In his complaint, Nitin has said that he was given the job of designing the set of a three-day festival held in January last year in Bombay. The fest was organised by the charitable trust which was ostensibly set up for citizens’ welfare as also for the promotion of art and culture. The art director said that although there was a contract which he had signed with the trust, he was not given a copy of the agreement. He alleged that the cheque he was given had bounced. He explained that the trust owed him Rs. 50.70 lakh. After the complaint, the police filed an FIR. Investigations are on.

Kiku Sharda has said that he has nothing to do with the trust although his father is the secretary of the trust.