The Telangana high court today (December 13) granted superstar Allu Arjun interim bail for four weeks in the Sandhya cinema stampede case in which a lady died and her son was seriously injured. The actor had been arrested by the Hyderabad police this morning. Justice Juvvadi Sridevi, who heard the actor’s bail petition in the post-lunch session, directed Allu to furnish a personal bond of Rs. 50,000 and to cooperate in the investigations.
The Chikkadpalli police station in Hyderabad arrested Allu from his residence earlier during the day. His lawyers lost no time in moving the court for bail and also for removal of his name from the FIR registered after the stampede on December 4 at Sandhya cinema in the city, where the premiere of the Telugu version of Pushpa: The Rule Part 2 was held. The crowds at the cinema got so wild to have a look at Allu Arjun, who attended the show that evening that there was a virtual stampede which the police was unable to control. In the stampede, a woman, who had come to watch the film with her husband and two children, died. Her son was badly injured and was critical.
By the time the bail order was passed in the afternoon, Allu was presented before a magistrate court which remanded him to judicial custody for 14 days. Meanwhile, the husband of the lady who died in the stampede, issued a statement today that he was ready to withdraw his complaint to the police.