The Amboli (Bombay) police are in search of a film producer against whom a 23-year-old actress-singer on 20th May registered a case of sexual assault. The producer, who hails from Gujarat, fled from Bombay to Gujarat after learning that an FIR had been registered against him.
According to the FIR, the 50-year-old producer asked the actress to meet him in a hotel at Andheri West in Bombay on 12th May for an audition. He sexually assaulted her in the hotel room and threatened to throw acid on her face if she did not cooperate. She approached the police after eight days because the producer allegedly threatened to ruin her career if she told anyone about the incident.
A probe confirmed that she had been sexually assaulted. The actress-singer also hails from Gujarat and said, she had met the producer through a mutual contact.