Rhea Chakraborty, the actress-girlfriend of Sushant Singh Rajput, was on 18th June interrogated for 11 hours by the Bombay police investigating the suicide case of Sushant. The actress, who was living in with Sushant at his Mount Blanc building rented residence at Bandra in Bombay, told the police that he had walked out of a three-film contract with Aditya Chopra’s Yash Raj Films as he was not comfortable doing the films. This statement of Rhea disproves the theory being propagated by some people in the industry and many television news channels that Aditya Chopra and Karan Johar were destroying Rajput’s career and were not letting films go his way. The fact that Aditya Chopra’s banner wanted to sign him for three films and also the fact that he walked out of the three-film contract, completely demolishes the argument that Sushant may have ended his life because he had no work.

The police has asked Yash Raj Films to provide the three-film contract which it was to sign with Sushant Singh Rajput. The police also interrogated two managers of the deceased actor.

It may be mentioned here that Rhea had been taking care of Sushant till almost a week before he ended his life on 14th June. He was suffereing from clinical depression. Sushant forced Rhea to return to her home around seven days before he committed suicide as Rhea had had an anxiety attack. Sushant feared that Rhea would ruin her life while taking care of him as he was suffering from depression and was on heavy medication for the same. He is said to have literally forced Rhea to leave his home and also told her that he wanted to end his relationship with her as he could not endanger Rhea’s health. He also reportedly told her that the break-up would be gradual. Although Rhea did not want to leave him alone since his condition had deteriorated in the last few days, she could not prevail upon him to let her stay back. It is then that Rhea informed Sushant’s sister to shift in the same building so that she could keep a watch on the actor. Not just Rhea, even her parents cared a lot for Sushant and treated him as their own son. Before ending his life, Sushant even deleted all the pictures of Rhea from his Instagram account.

Ironically, the girl who cared so much for Sushant during the last few months could not attend his funeral on 15th June as her name was missing in the list of 25 people drawn up and handed over to the police due to lockdown regulations. Rhea paid her last respects at the Cooper Hospital morgue where Sushant’s dead body was taken on 14th. In fact, Rhea learnt about Sushant’s suicide after several people had already heard the devastating news on 14th.